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A List of Warren Jeffs Wives

Criminal Defense Attorney for Warren Jeffs

Warren Jeffs, the former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), gained fame for having multiple wives and the legal troubles that followed. This article explores a list of Warren Jeffs’ wives and looks at the legal challenges he encountered from the viewpoint of law firms involved in the cases against him. Stowell Crayk Law Firm in Utah acknowledges the importance of reviewing cases like these to learn more about the complexities of the law.

Any criminal defense attorney knows that navigating a case involving a high-profile figure like Warren Jeffs requires an in-depth understanding of both legal intricacies and public perceptions. In Jeffs’ situation, defending against charges of arranging marriages, especially those involving underage individuals, meant addressing not only the specific legal allegations but also confronting broader debates surrounding religious freedom and the rights of those within closed religious communities. The unique challenges posed by Jeffs’ case emphasize the delicate balance between upholding the law and respecting constitutional freedoms, a balance that any adept criminal defense lawyer must carefully navigate.

Warren Jeffs’ Polygamous Life:

Born on December 3, 1955, Warren Jeffs became the president of FLDS, a group practicing polygamy due to their religious beliefs. Jeffs, who claimed to be a church prophet, used his position to justify marrying many wives, some of whom were underage. His marriages were often secret, and some wives were reportedly forced into these unions. Unlike, Joseph Smith Wives, Warren Jeffs’s wives had children with Warren. Sources say that Warren Jeffs has at leas 60 children. Joseph Smith did not have children any of his wives except for his first wife, Emma Smith.

List of Warren Jeffs’ Wives:

Expanding on the list of Warren Jeffs’ wives provides a more detailed understanding of the relationships within the context of his polygamous lifestyle:

  1. Dorothy Barlow Jeffs: As Warren Jeffs’ first wife, Dorothy Barlow Jeffs entered into matrimony with him in 1977. Their union extended over several years, marked by the complexities of polygamous life within the FLDS community. During this time, the couple raised several children, contributing to the intricate dynamics of the household.
  2. Lynda Peine Jeffs: Lynda Peine Jeffs became one of Warren Jeffs’ wives in what seems to be an early marriage. Unfortunately, limited information is available about Lynda, highlighting the secretive nature of many of Jeffs’ unions and the challenges in obtaining comprehensive details about his relationships.
  3. Ruth Barlow Jeffs: Ruth Barlow Jeffs entered the polygamous family dynamic as a sister-wife to Dorothy, marrying Warren Jeffs in 1987. This adds another layer of complexity to the familial structure within the FLDS community, where sister-wives navigate shared responsibilities and relationships.
  4. Naomi Jessop Jeffs: Marrying Warren Jeffs in 1997, Naomi Jessop Jeffs found herself entangled in legal challenges alongside him. Her experience sheds light on the legal complexities faced by individuals within polygamous unions, where legal issues can extend beyond the relationships themselves.
  5. Marlene Hammon Jeffs: While the exact marriage date remains unclear, Marlene Hammon Jeffs is recognized as one of Warren Jeffs’ wives. The ambiguity surrounding the timing of their union underscores the secretive nature of many polygamous marriages within the FLDS community.
  6. Rebecca Musser: Although not officially designated as a wife, Rebecca Musser played a unique role as Jeffs’ “celestial wife” from the age of 19. This term refers to a spiritual or religious union within the FLDS community, highlighting the intricate nature of relationships within the context of religious beliefs and practices.

By delving into the details of each marriage, it becomes apparent that Warren Jeffs’ polygamous lifestyle involved not only the number of wives but also the complexity of his relationships, legal challenges, and the religious framework that governed these unions within the FLDS community.

Legal Challenges:

Throughout his life, Warren Jeffs encountered legal issues, primarily related to arranging marriages, especially those involving underage girls. Law enforcement and prosecutors targeted Jeffs for these actions, leading to his eventual arrest.

From Stowell Crayk‘s criminal defense attorney and their extensive legal perspective, the legal challenges in the Warren Jeffs cases were complex:

  1. Child Marriage and Assault Charges: Jeffs faced legal repercussions for arranging marriages involving underage girls, resulting in charges related to child marriage and assault. Law firms encountered the intricate task of substantiating claims of coercion and lack of consent, navigating the legal complexities surrounding such cases. This contrasts with Joseph Smith Youngest Wives which included Fanny Alger at the age of 16. However, this marriage was conseted by her parents. Sources state that Warren Jeff’s youngest wife was 12.
  2. Religious Freedom Defenses: Jeffs and his legal team frequently invoked religious freedom as a defense strategy. This presented a delicate challenge for law firms on the prosecution side, requiring a nuanced approach to balance the protection of religious rights with the imperative of holding Jeffs accountable for his alleged illegal activities.
  3. Victim Testimonies: The cases relied significantly on the testimonies of Jeffs’ wives and former FLDS members, who played pivotal roles as key witnesses. Criminal defense law firms similar to Stowell Crayk, had to collaborate closely with these individuals, ensuring their safety and presenting their testimonies to strengthen the legal case against Jeffs.
  4. Custody Battles and Family Law: The legal aftermath extended into custody battles involving children from the FLDS community. These firms had to navigate the complexities of family law, prioritizing the well-being of the children while safeguarding the rights of former FLDS members entangled in these legal disputes. The firm’s legal professionals engaged in strategic legal maneuvers to address these complex family law matters.
  5. Public Perception and High-Profile Cases: The Warren Jeffs case, with its high-profile nature, offers law firms a lesson in managing public perception. Each criminal defense attorney should recognize the need for a strategic and ethical approach in handling cases that attract public attention, and acknowledge the impact of media coverage on legal proceedings.

Overall, the Warren Jeffs case serves as a comprehensive learning experience for law firms like Stowell Crayk, offering insights into navigating the intricacies of religious freedom, coercion, and the protection of vulnerable individuals. By distilling these lessons, law firms can refine their approaches to similar cases, ensuring a balanced and principled pursuit of justice within the legal framework.


Warren Jeffs’ polygamous life and legal challenges present a complicated picture of religious freedom, coercion, and protecting vulnerable individuals. Law firms and each criminal defense attorney involved faced numerous legal issues, addressing victims’ rights while respecting religious freedom principles. Jeffs’ legacy serves as a reminder of the delicate balance required when dealing with criminal activities within religious communities. Stowell Crayk Law Firm recognizes the intricate nature of cases involving religious freedoms, coercion, and vulnerable individuals, especially in Utah. Warren Jeffs’ legacy underscores the firm’s commitment to addressing the nuanced legal challenges tied to criminal activities within religious communities. By upholding justice while respecting constitutional rights, the firm aims to navigate these complex cases with sensitivity and diligence.