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Criminal Defense Attorney: Role in the Criminal Justice System

At Stowell Crayk, a criminal defense attorney witnesses firsthand the impact of racial bias within the criminal justice system.


At Stowell Crayk, a criminal defense attorney witnesses firsthand the impact of racial bias within the criminal justice system. The disparities in arrests, convictions, and sentencing based on race are deeply troubling and demand our attention. In this blog post, we will delve into the crucial role that criminal defense attorneys play in addressing racial bias and promoting a more equitable system.

Understanding Racial Bias in the Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system in the United States is riddled with racial bias. This bias can be seen at every stage of the system, from the initial contact with law enforcement to sentencing.

One of the most visible examples of racial bias in the criminal justice system is the disparity in arrest rates between Black and white people. According to the Sentencing Project, Black people are arrested nearly three times the rate of white people. This disparity is even more pronounced for crimes like drug possession. For example, Black people are arrested for drug possession at four times the rate of white people, even though they use drugs at similar rates.

Once people are arrested, they are more likely to be convicted if they are Black. According to the American Bar Association, Black people are convicted at a rate that is 1.7 times higher than white people. This disparity is even more pronounced for certain crimes, such as murder. For example, Black people are convicted of murder at a rate of 2.6 times higher than white people.

Even after people are convicted, they are more likely to receive harsher sentences if they are Black. According to the Sentencing Project, Black people receive sentences 10% longer than white people for the same crimes. This disparity is even more pronounced for crimes, such as drug trafficking. For example, Black people receive sentences that are 20% longer than white people for drug trafficking.

Contributing Factors

Many factors contribute to racial bias in the criminal justice system. These factors include: 

  • Implicit bias
  • Structural racism
  • School-to-prison pipeline

Implicit bias is an unconscious bias that people have towards certain groups of people. This bias leads to people making decisions about others based on their race. Even if they are unaware of it.

Structural racism is how institutions and systems are set up to benefit white people at the expense of people of color. This can be seen in the way that schools are funded, the way that neighborhoods are policed, and the way that people are sentenced for crimes.

The school-to-prison pipeline is how the criminal justice system disproportionately targets children of color. This may start as early as kindergarten when Black children are more likely to be suspended or expelled from school than White children. As children get older, they are more likely to be arrested and incarcerated for minor offenses.

Racial bias in the criminal justice system has a devastating impact on people of color. In addition, it leads to more arrests, more convictions, and longer sentences. This bias also contributes to the mass incarceration of people of color, which profoundly impacts families, communities, and the economy.

The Role of a Criminal Defense Attorney

 A Criminal defense attorney is important in addressing racial bias in the criminal justice system. They can do this by:

  • Challenging implicit bias in the system. Criminal defense attorneys challenge implicit bias in the system by raising awareness of the issue. While also advocating for reforms that would reduce bias.
  • Protecting the rights of people of color. Criminal defense attorneys protect the rights of people of color by being aware of how racial bias can affect their clients. They can also advocate for their client’s interests and ensure that they receive a fair trial.
  • Advocating for reforms to the system. Criminal defense attorneys advocate for reforms to the system that would reduce racial bias. This includes reforms to the policing system, the sentencing system, and the bail system.

By playing these roles, a criminal defense attorney can help to create a criminal justice system that is fair and just for everyone.

Strategies for Addressing Racial Bias in Criminal Defense

  1. Building trust and rapport with clients of diverse backgrounds: It is essential to establish open lines of communication and foster trust with clients who have experienced racial bias. Understanding their experiences and concerns can better address and counteract racial bias within their cases.
  2. Conducting thorough investigations: As criminal defense attorneys, we are responsible for meticulously investigating each case, including scrutinizing the actions of law enforcement officers involved. We expose any racial disparities or discriminatory practices by looking for potential biases in the evidence-gathering process.
  3. Utilizing experts and witnesses: Experts in fields such as sociology, psychology, or criminology can provide valuable insights and testify about the presence and effects of racial bias. Witness testimonies from individuals who have experienced bias in the criminal justice system can also shed light on systemic issues and influence perception.
  4. Advocating for fair and equal treatment: During court proceedings, defense attorneys must be vigilant in challenging biased narratives, unfair treatment, or racially motivated assumptions. By advocating for our client’s rights and highlighting any signs of racial bias, we can help rectify injustices within the system.
  5. Raising awareness and engaging in public discourse: Criminal defense attorneys have a unique platform for raising awareness about racial bias and engaging in public discussions. By sharing knowledge, and experiences, and advocating for reforms, we contribute to a larger movement for change.

Overcoming Challenges in Addressing Racial Bias

Addressing racial bias in the criminal justice system comes with its share of challenges. Navigating systemic barriers, resistance to change, and potential backlash requires persistence and resilience. However, our duty as criminal defense attorneys is to continue pushing for a more equitable system and dismantling racial bias.


A Criminal defense attorney plays a vital role in addressing racial bias within the criminal justice system. By challenging biased practices, advocating for fair treatment, and raising awareness, we strive to rectify the disparities that persist. Together, we can work towards a more just and equitable system for all individuals, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

To learn more about our work as a criminal defense attorney, please visit Together, let us be agents of change and promote a justice system that upholds the principles of fairness and equality.